Update from the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia Related to Increase in Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI)

  1. The increase in Indonesia’s Manufacturing Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) to 39.1 in June 2020 is considered to indicate the start of the recovery of the national manufacturing industry sector;
  2. The surge in the index also boosted the confidence of the manufacturing industry sector in various strategic steps undertaken by the government in an effort to spur the wheels of the economy
  3. Minister of Industry, Mr. Agus Gumiwang “The most important thing besides increasing PMI index in June 2020 is the increasing level of confidence in the manufacturing industry. This shows that government policies in the new normal era are on the track, “
  4. 4Based on data released by IHS Market, future output indexes, benchmarks and business sentiment jumped to 73% in the sixth month
  5. This figure is the highest for the past five months and this achievement is the provision of the government to continue issuing policies that can continue to encourage the activities of the manufacturing industry sector in the New Normal era
  6. The industrial sector is the biggest contributor to national GDP. This can be seen from its contribution to the economy in the first quarter of 2020 of 19.98%
  7. So as to maintain the performance of the manufacturing sector, the Ministry of Industry supports the industry to keep operating, by taking care of the Operational Permit and Mobility of Industrial Activities (#IOMKI) and complying with the health protocol rules
  8. Until now, the Ministry of Industry has issued more than 17 thousand #IOMKI. With the operating license of the industrial sector, as many as five million workers can continue to work. This indicates that industrial activities can sustain people’s welfare.
  9. In addition to focusing on supporting the recovery of the industrial sector from the Covid19 pandemic through various stimuli, the government has also prepared various incentives for potential investors who will invest their capital in Indonesia, including the super deductible tax
  10. In addition, until 2024, the government will develop 27 new industrial zones spread throughout Indonesia. To facilitate investors, including those relocating their factories from China, the government also opened an industrial estate in Batang, Central Java

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Summary Of Indonesian PP Rules of 25/2020 Concerning Implementation of Community Housing Savings (TAPERA)

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