Register Trademark Indonesia

RFP lawyer has a trademark divison and We have certified consultant of IPR that can help you to register or renew your trademark in Indonesia.

Please follow these step:

1. Please email to

a. Brand name:

b. Type of goods / services / businesses:

c. Registrant name:

d. Telephone number of registrant:

2. You will get email of our bank account number in 1 to 3 hours in business hours.

Our business hours are Monday-Saturday on 8.00 am to 4.30 pm and closed on Sunday and national holiday.

3. The cost of brand registration including brand checking is only USD 300 per brand per class per logo. After transfer USD 200, please send the transfer proof by email immediately. Brand checking done in 2 business days. The application process for trademark registration will be completed in 7 working days after we have received the signed documents.

You can check the class of goods / services on CLASS & GOODS page or please email to customer if you do not know the class of your goods / services. We will help you to find out what type of goods / services you are in.

For the type of goods / services that are in 2 classes, for example in class 30 and in class 43, the cost of registering a trademark is multiplied by 2. For registration of 1 trademark with 2 different logos, the trademark registration fee is multiplied by 2.

4. Please send the transfer proof of brand registration fee along with the registration requirements: registrant passport/passport of company director and logo of trademark in the form of JPG (minimum 300 kb) by email.

5. Fill the required data we send by email correctly for making documents.

6. Download and print the documents we send based on your data before.

7. Sign those documents and send back to us as the email instruction.

8. Brand registration is done for about 7 days after we received your signed documents.

9. We will send the proof of brand registration application by email and your trademark is able to run without waiting for certificate.

10. Brand certificate will be issued by Directorate General of IPR for about 2,5 years after a thorough examination.

Process of publishing brand certificate cannot be accelerated. It is 100% authority of the Director General of Intellectual Property Right of Indonesia.

Consultant does not have authority to approve or reject the brand registration and also publish brand certificate. As a consultant, our primary duty is only checking and registering your brand to trademark office of Indonesia.



With a high incidence of piracy in Indonesia, patenting the goods and services with trademark is an important step. Registering the trademark, you will get some significant advantages as following:

  • The Company enjoys the exclusive protection of goods and services against claims of infringement by other parties.
  • When the owner of the trademark is in legal battles, the owner can get legal reinforcement in instances. 
  • Based on Trademark Act No 15 of 2001, a person or legal entity who first filed the trademark application will get the priority to use the trademark.
  • Having a solid and reputable trademark adds value to the products or services. The company can use this trademark to bring their brand closer to their prospects.


If you have any questions about Procedures for registering Trademarks in Indonesia, please email or chat us directly on business days.

RFPlawyer Trademark is Intellectual property rights consultant in Indonesia


Phone/WA: +62 896-1646-2123


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Ruko Regia RB1 No. 29,
Jl. Graha Raya Bintaro,
Kec.pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan,
Banten 15226, 021-27565003,

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