Newsletter Regarding Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) May 2020


1. BKPM Launches BKPM Investment Control and Command Center (BKPM) amid COVID-19 outbreak

BKPM launches BKPM Investment Control and Command Center (BKPM) amid COVID-19 outbreak where the BKPM team can monitor licensing requests through Online Single Submission (OSS) after positive COVID-19 announcement from President Joko Widodo on March The command center is designed to provide situational awareness to enable better decision-making by emergency services. It provides real-time information of social media & digital media sentiments, daily statistics on licensing requests through OSS, Regional Investment Potential (PIR), tracking a company’s licensing status (end-to-end), licensing monitoring through OSS that is being processed by other ministries, as well as investment realization.

2. BKPM took several measures to anticipate Covid-19

BKPM Chairman Bahlil Lahadalia inform that the decision to stop the offline services will not reduce the quality of services given to investor. “The offline services will be stop for two weeks, after that we will evaluate the decision whether it is necessary to extend the policy,” he asserted.

The online services will be the only mode for investor to reach out BKPM officers. Bahlil assure that his office will optimize their services to investor through online system. “In current situation (COVID-19 Pandemic), we will do our best to assist and facilitate the investor. It is crucial to keep the level FDI stay in Indonesia,” said former Indonesia Youth Enterpreuneur Associaton (HIPMI).

3. BKPM Regulation no 1 of 2020 on Guidelines on the Provision of Business Licensing Services through the OSS system.

This regulation was issued to improve and streamline the licensing services provided through the Online Single Submission (“OSS”) System, to implement Article 94 (1) of Government Regulation No. 24 of 2018 (“GR 24/2018”) and Presidential Directive (Instruksi Presided) No. 7 of 2019 on the Acceleration of the Ease of Doing Business. Therefore, in addition to the existing BKPM regulations related to the OSS system, BKPM Reg. 1/2020 sets out the norms, standards, procedures, and criteria as guidelines on the issuance of business licenses through the OSS system. Because of the issuance of BKPM Reg 1/2020

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