E-court, Peradilan secara daring di Indonesia, Efektifkah


E-court Sendiri sudah dirancang dari 2018, namun pelaksanaanya  pada 2020 ini menjadi massive dikarenakan Virus Corona, sehingga E-court sendiri akhirnya di aplikasikan meskipun dalam keadaan PSBB (diluar normal)

Landasan Hukum

  1. Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Indonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 tentang Administrasi Perkara Di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik
  2. Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung (SEMA) Nomor 1/2020 tertanggal 23 Maret 2020 dan pernyataan Presiden pada 14 Maret 2020 tentang penyebaran Covid-19 sebagai bencana nasional.

Apa itu e-Court?

E-Court adalah layanan bagi Pengguna Terdaftar untuk Pendaftaran Perkara Secara , Mendapatkan Taksiran Panjar Biaya Perkara , Pembayaran dan Pemanggilan yang dilakukan dengan saluran elektronik dan secara daring.

Singkat nya. E-court dilaksanakan serba Online Mulai dari pendaftaran, hingga persidangan.

Layanan E-court

  1. e-Filing (Pendaftaran Perkara Online di Pengadilan)
  2. e-Skum (Taksiran Panjar Biaya)
  3. e-Payment (Pembayaran Panjar Biaya Perkara Online)
  4. e-Summons (Pemanggilan Pihak secara online)

Kesulitan Sidang E-court

Meskipun sebuah terobosan Baru, E-court juga mengalami beberapa kendala, diantaranya:

  1. Permasalahan Koneksi Internet
  2. Sulitnya menggali keterangan secara online kepada Saksi dan terdakwa
  3. Kendala teknis lainnya



E-court, online court, effective


The E-court itself has been designed from 2018, but implementation in 2020 became massive due to the Corona Virus, so the E-court itself was finally applied even though it was in a PSBB state (outside of normal)

Legal Foundation

  1. Indonesian Supreme Court Regulation Number 3 of 2018 concerning Electronic Case Administration in Courts
  2. Supreme Court Circular (SEMA) Number 1/2020 dated March 23, 2020 and President’s statement on March 14, 2020 regarding the spread of Covid-19 as a national disaster.

What is e-Court?

E-Court is a service for Registered Users for Online Case Registration, Obtaining Estimated Down Payment, Payment and Summons made by electronic channels and online.

In short. E-court is carried out completely online starting from registration, to trial.

E-court service

  1. e-Filing (Online Case Registration in Court)
  2. e-Skum (Estimated Down Payment)
  3. e-Payment (Payment of Online Case Fees)
  4. e-Summons (Online Party Summons)

E-court trial difficulty

Despite a new breakthrough, E-court also encountered several obstacles, including:

  1. Internet Connection Problems
  2. The difficulty of gathering information online to witnesses and defendants
  3. Other technical obstacles

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Jl. Graha Raya Bintaro,
Kec.pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan,
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