Berapa minimal nilai uang untuk dikatakan pencurian




we will discuss the case in social media here’s the case. one of my friends asked him that he had a debt
in the amount of 20 million rupiah to the debtor. he also made a statement related to the debt
but he failed to pay the debt at the end of the period. 

but the creditor stole my wallet, can the creditor be criminalized?

debt is a civil case where debt and theft are two different things. so, the creditor can sue the debtor regarding the debt
however, you can also report the theft to the police. 

For theft is regulated in article 324 of the criminal law

“Anyone who takes something, wholly or partly belonging to another person, with the intention of being illegally owned, is punished for theft, with a maximum imprisonment of five years or a maximum fine of sixty rupiahs”.

but for the fine has been annulled by the Supreme Court regulations number 2 year 2012. 

 “If the value is less than Rp 2.5 million, it is categorized as a minor criminal offense which carries a penalty of only 3 months”.

“Because the rules of Article 364 of the Criminal Code are not in accordance with the social development of society. There it is said that the minimum loss is Rp. 250. That was the limit in 1960, so if converted today the value becomes Rp. 2.5 million, “


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