RFP Start-Up and Early-Stage Companies Team understands the unique challenges facing entrepreneurs in starting new businesses and we are keen to assist you in meeting those challenges and evolving your ideas into a successful business opportunity.
We understand you wish to develop and grow ideas, seize opportunities, avoid risk and limit costs. We use our experience and understanding of how companies are formed, financed and grown to guide you through all the stages of development, combining our practical legal advice and our sound business judgment. We are experienced in delivering maximum effectiveness and efficiencies for entrepreneurial clients launching a new business venture.
This Team advises on all relevant issues including corporate and tax structuring, corporate finance, intellectual property, employee benefits and compensation, patents and innovation and corporate governance. Our interdisciplinary approach enables us to serve as strategic advisors through all stages of growth of an emerging company, helping the company's founders attain their goals and seeing the company reach its optimal potential.
Given the unique needs of an emerging business, we provide tailored legal services including flat rate fees for several matters.
Significant Areas of Service
Representative Work